We have been receiving many requests / questions / cross questions over disease outbreak news. Here are the queries and their answers:
Question: Doctor should we take Influenzinum / Ars alb 30 / Ars alb 200 as a prevention from any sort of virus?
Answer: No. No patients of any ages to take the above medicine, without permission of their own homoeopath.
Question: But why? It has been widely circulated on social media that these medicines work.
Answer: We certainly don’t go with the opinion, expressed on social media platforms because such circulation is without having substantiated their opinion with scientific data. On the contrary the Homoeopathic Scientific literature states that no specific homoeopathic medicine can be taken as a Preventive Medicine against a disease without considering the complete totality of the symptoms of epidemic or pandemic or without considering the individuality of the patient. Rather such a imperative intake of homoeopathic remedy, irrespective of the individuality of a person or irrespective of the totality of symptoms of the epidemic or pandemic will make the person susceptible for the infections.
Question: Then what should be done?
Answer: If you are already taking homoeopathic treatment from a qualified homoeopathic doctor, then you should request him / her for the homoeopathic medicine that will work as a Preventive Medicine against the epidemic or pandemic comprising of viruses or bacteria.
Question: But doctor earlier you said no single homoeopathic medicine can work as preventive and rather it makes a person susceptible to the infection?
Answer: Yes, that is correct a single homoeopathic medicine taken at any random time irrespective of your health assessment, will not work as preventive and will rather make one susceptible to the viral or bacterial infection. However, if your qualified Homoeopathic Doctor has taken your case in detail that includes emotional aspects of your day to day living, your Qualified Homoeopathic Doctor must have arrived at your Constitutional Medicine (Refer URL: https://drpradhan.com/homeopathy/constitution-what-is-it to know more about a Constitutional Medicine) then such medicine consumed at an appropriate time will act as a Preventive Homoeopathic Medicine. If you have already been given Constitutional Medicine specific to you as an individual, then you should be rest assured that you have sufficient immunity to fight against any virus or bacteria be it novel or latest.
Question: But doctor I am your patient and I trust you have already boosted my immunity, what about my friend or friend’s kid? Can you suggest anything for them?
Answer: Ideally blatantly no homoeopathic medicine can be suggested without having received their case in detail. However, it is recommended that they should contact a Qualified Homoeopathic Doctor nearest to them, narrate their case along with emotional states experienced by them in day-to-day living, and they will receive a Constitutional Homoeopathic Medicine specific to their individuality as a Preventive Medicine.
Question: Someone suggested me a medicine that is mixture of multiple homoeopathic medicines, at least do you recommend me or my friend who is not your patients taking that?
Answer: Unfortunately, our answer to this question too is NO as the Homoeopathic Scientific Literature do not support a medicine which is mixture of multiple Homoeopathic Medicines as a rational homoeopathic medicine. Since you are already on my treatment as I told you earlier you are not supposed to take any other Homoeopathic or Ayurvedic Treatment and responsibility of your boosted immunity has already been taken care of by the regular homoeopathic medicines you collect periodically from us for your other ailment.
Question: But what about my friend then as he / she has never taken a Homoeopathic Treatment for anything?
Answer: As conveyed earlier he / she should visit a nearest Qualified Homoeopath and should start one.
Question: Doctor but please don’t mind, my friend don’t trust homoeopathy, since you are friendly with me, I am dared to convey and ask you this, what way he / she should be protected?
Answer: I appreciate your honesty. You being a good friend of him / her, share your experience with homoeopathy and generate trust within them for homoeopathy. Alternatively, you may ask them to refer to URL: https://drpradhan.com/homeopathy/category/articles/disease-specific to know more about scope and limitations of homoeopathy in various diseases. If you feel, I can be of any help to resolve their queries with regards to homoeopathy, do share my mobile and let them talk to me. Will help them resolve their issues with homoeopathy. They can message me on WhatsApp before calling me, so that I can allocate a time slot where I can spend quality time with them.
Question: But doc if you don’t mind, since they don’t trust homoeopathy can they take the mixture recommended for immunity against viruses on social media platforms?
Answer: Ideally when they don’t trust homoeopathy why they want to take even the mixture? As per Homeopathic Scientific literature a mixture of homoeopathic medicines is not a homoeopathic form of remedy. As it does not act as specified by the scientific literature. It’s more like exercising all options for one problem when you are not sure and confident that a single solution can yield results. However, if they are not willing to discuss their reservations about homoeopathy and want to pursue wrong remedy intake, it’s their choice.
Question: However, doctor during CoVid 19 pandemic Arsenic alb was suggested by a government agency as a preventive and was circulated widely free of charge by many government and non-government organizations. How come?
Answer: During the CoVid 19 pandemic Arsenic alb suggested by a government agency was based on totality of symptoms seen during the pandemic and it really covered most of the complaints a patient suffered from with CoVid 19 which even includes the specific fear of catching CoVid 19, hence to our opinion Arsenic alb was the exact Genus Epidemicus (a single remedy prescribed for epidemic or pandemic based on totality of symptoms of the disease) for CoVid 19. We ourselves widely used it in patients during CoVid pandemic with success.
Question: Doctor as you are endorsing use of Arsenic alb as a preventive in CoVid 19 then why did it failed to prevent waves of CoVid 19 when it was widely distributed?
Answer: You are correct, the wide circulation of Arsenic alb failed to control the CoVid waves. However, I believe the failure is due to lack of proper implementation. It’s not failure of homoeopathy but its a failure of system. Following are the possible reasons which I attribute to failure of system:
1. Homoeopathic pharmacists were not equipped to full-fill suddenly increased demand for Arsenic alb, which may have resulted in delivering poor quality medicine.
2. Due to then imposed CoVid restrictions on railways, inter-state commuting transport of freshly manufactured Arsenic alb was a huge task which may has resulted into contamination, improper handling of the medicine resulted in loss of quality while transporting it under lock down circumstances.
3. Inadvertent consumption by individuals taking the doses of Arsenic alb as any homoeopathic medicine has to be taken meticulously and we usually request our patients to refer to URL – https://drpradhan.com/homeopathy/dos-and-donts-while-taking-homeopathic-medicines
on instructions about handling the homoeopathic medicine. (This answer is exclusively authored by Dr. Ashutosh Pradhan and Dr. Anjali A. Pradhan may or may not agree to views expressed on this question)
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© March 2023 – Dr. Ashutosh Pradhan – www.drpradhan.com, www.wellbiance.com
Reference: https://drpradhan.com/homeopathy/homoeopathic-preventive-medicine-against-viruses