Homeopathic First Aid Kit
Either you are at home or traveling, the first aid kit becomes the most useful and important thing. In case of an emergency, the first medication is received from the first aid kit. It is better to understand the concept to make a first aid kit. The medicines included in the first aid kit should be of real need. It should not contain medicines that are not required at the emergency period.
Keep the first aid kit in a place from where it is easily accessible. Before you assemble a first aid kit, try to visualize what difficulties you had faced when you have been on tour last time. Carry only those medicines that are required. If the medicines, are available at your destination very easily then think twice before including them in your first aid kit.
The following homeopathic medicines can be included in first aid kit. Other homeopathic medicines as per individual needs shall be included.
- Arnica – is mentioned first because it is a medicine of great excellence for the shock or trauma from any injury unless the injury is very mild or unless the person is bleeding so profusely. Since Arnica is the first medicine prescribed in numerous types of injuries, it is the most common medicine used in first aid. It helps reduce shock, relieve pain, diminish swelling, and begin healing. Arnica is a great medicine for injuries to muscles, especially when there is pain from overexertion, shock, trauma of injury; surgical shock; muscle injuries etc.
- Hypericum – is an excellent medicine for injuries to nerves or to injured parts of the body, which are richly supplied with nerves (fingers, toes, the spine). Generally, such injuries have sharp or shooting pains, and the injured part is very sensitive to touch.
- Urtica Urens – is the medicine used for burns (stinging nettle, as you may know, causes a burn upon contact with the spine of the plant). Urtica Urens in external application is also useful in promoting healing. Such application should be diluted approximately one part of Urtica urens with ten parts water.
- Ledum – is used for the puncture wounds, whether it be from a needle, a nail, or other sharp object. Deep punctures or punctures from rusty nail should receive medical attention, but this should not delay you from taking Ledum which has no side-effects and which can be helpful in healing wounds and preventing tetanus. Ledum is also commonly prescribed for insect stings and animal bites. It is applicable as well to people with severe bruising (black eyes or blows from firm objects), especially if the affected part feels cold and yet feels relieved by cold applications.
- Rhus Tox – (Poison Ivy) – Though some people may scream when they even hear someone mention poison ivy, it is an often prescribed homeopathic medicine (it is non-toxic when homeopathically prepared). A great medicine for skin rashes. The other condition in which it is indicated is rupture of ligaments and tendons. Because of this, it is the most common medicine prescribed for sprains and strains, especially the type of sprain and strain that is worse upon initial motion but that is better upon continued motion. It is also a medicine given for dislocated joints.
- Ruta – is the medicine used for severe sprains where the person has a torn or wrenched tendon, split ligament, or bruised periosteum (bone covering). It is also the most common medicine prescribed for recent or old injuries to the knee or elbow. As such, it is one of the medicines prescribed for “tennis elbow.
- Symphytum – is used for fractures. One must, visit a orthopedic surgeon to have the fracture re-set and placed in a cast, Symphytum will relieve pain and promote rapid healing of the fracture. Besides its application in fractures, Symphytum is a great medicine for injuries to the eyeball, bones around the eyes, and the cheekbones.
- Calendula – Tincture (in an alcohol base), [gel, spray, and ointment are invaluable external applications in treating cuts and abrasions]. Calendula is known to have antiseptic properties due to its organic iodine content. Calendula helps stop bleeding, inhibits infection, and promotes granulation of tissues to help heal wounds and burns. Calendula Tincture should not be applied directly on a cut since its alcohol content causes burning pain. It is best to dilute this tincture with a little water.